Tham khảo Virginals

  1. Vermeer: Painting of 'Lady Seated at the Virginals'.
  2. 1 2 Bản mẫu:GroveOnline
  4. In Samuel Pepys' diary for ngày 2 tháng 9 năm 1666 during the Great Fire of London: "I observed that hardly one lighter or boat in three that has the goods of a house in, but there was a pair of virginals in it.": Samuel Pepys (ngày 1 tháng 12 năm 2004), Diary of Samuel Pepys, August/September 1666 [EBook #4167] 45, Champaign, Ill.: Project Gutenberg, tr. 18–19 .
  5. Dearling, Robert (ed.) (1996) The ultimate encyclopedia of musical instruments, London: Carlton, ISBN 1-85868-185-5
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